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Overcome Trauma and Unlock Healing with EMDR
Harness the Power of
Eye Movement Desensitisation and Reprocessing

If you're seeking specific help in healing from trauma or distressing life experiences, I offer a transformative treatment called Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR) therapy.


For more information please the read FAQs below or CONTACT ME to determine if EMDR therapy is the right path for you on your journey towards healing and personal growth.

What is EMDR?

EMDR, or Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing, is a therapeutic approach designed to help individuals heal from trauma and other distressing life experiences. It is suitable for people who have experienced various types of traumatic events, such as accidents, abuse, or natural disasters. During EMDR therapy, I will help you access memories of the trauma in specific ways while engaging in eye movements and following guided instructions. This process aids in reprocessing the negative aspects of those memories, facilitating mental healing. As a result, remembering the traumatic event will no longer feel like reliving it, and the associated feelings become more manageable.


Why should I consider EMDR therapy?

EMDR therapy is a powerful tool for addressing the impact of trauma and distressing life experiences. It can help individuals overcome a wide range of traumatic events, including childhood abuse, combat-related trauma, accidents, and grief. Unlike other therapeutic approaches, EMDR focuses specifically on reprocessing traumatic memories and the associated emotions, rather than solely relying on talk therapy. This targeted approach enables individuals to experience faster and more effective results, promoting lasting healing and resilience.


What does EMDR involve?

EMDR therapy follows a structured approach consisting of eight phases. The first phase involves a comprehensive assessment so I can understand your unique situation and treatment goals. Subsequent phases include preparing you for the processing of traumatic memories, identifying and targeting specific memories, and utilising bilateral stimulation, such as eye movements, sounds, or tapping, to facilitate the reprocessing of those memories. I will be at your side guiding you through each phase, ensuring your comfort and safety throughout the process.


How does EMDR work?

When undergoing EMDR, you engage in a deliberate process of accessing memories related to a trauma event. With the assistance of eye movements and guided instructions, these memories are reprocessed in a way that helps "repair" the mental injury caused by the trauma. This reprocessing allows you to remember the event without reliving it, and the associated feelings become more manageable. By working through these memories, EMDR promotes emotional healing and creates a foundation for a healthier, more adaptive response to future challenges.


What conditions does EMDR treat?

EMDR has proven effective in treating various conditions, including post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), anxiety disorders, depression, phobias, grief, and complicated grief. It is also beneficial for individuals seeking personal growth, as it can address underlying issues that hinder their overall well-being and hinder their ability to thrive.


What is the history of EMDR?

EMDR was developed by psychologist Dr. Francine Shapiro in the late 1980s. Dr. Shapiro discovered the therapeutic benefits of eye movements while walking in a park and noticing that her own distressing thoughts became less intense. Through extensive research and clinical practice, EMDR has gained recognition as a highly effective therapy for trauma. Numerous case studies and scientific research have consistently demonstrated its efficacy and positive outcomes for individuals seeking healing from traumatic experiences.


What are the benefits of EMDR?


1 - Effective results: Dozens of studies have validated the effectiveness of EMDR therapy in facilitating healing and recovery from trauma.

2- Faster progress: Compared to other forms of therapy, EMDR often produces quicker results. Individuals typically experience noticeable improvements earlier in the treatment process.

3 - Minimal homework: Unlike many other therapies, EMDR involves minimal homework. You may be asked to jot down any thoughts or ideas you want to discuss during your next session, reducing the need for extensive assignments between sessions.

4 - Reduced stress: EMDR focuses on processing and moving past trauma, rather than solely focusing on describing or reliving negative events. This approach can make the therapy experience less stressful and overwhelming.


What are the risks of EMDR?

EMDR carries minimal risks, and negative effects are generally limited. Some individuals may experience temporary negative thoughts or feelings between sessions, but I will help you understand what to expect and how to manage them. It is important to note that EMDR is a relatively new therapy, developed in 1989, while other therapeutic approaches have been in use for a longer time. Further research is necessary to determine if EMDR provides a long-term solution or if additional therapy may be needed in the future.


What are the next steps if I am interested in having EMDR therapy?

CONTACT ME if you are interested in exploring EMDR therapy and how it can help you heal from trauma or distressing life experiences. During our discussion, we can delve deeper into your specific needs, goals, and expectations. Together, we will determine if EMDR therapy is the right path for you on your journey towards healing and personal growth.


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